


Conversation Detailed Data


Name Type Default Nullable Children Parents Comment
keyid varchar(255) false
conversationid varchar(50) true Conversation GUID
conversationstartdate timestamp without time zone false Conversation Start Date (UTC)
conversationstartdateltc timestamp without time zone true Conversation Start Date (LTC)
conversationenddate timestamp without time zone true Conversation End Date (UTC)
conversationenddateltc timestamp without time zone true Conversation End Date (LTC)
conversationminmos numeric(20,2) true Conversation Min MOS
conversationminrfactor numeric(20,2) true Conversation Min RFactor
externaltag varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Division GUID
originaldirection varchar(50) true Conversation Original Direction
participantid varchar(50) true Conversation Participant GUID
participantname varchar(255) true Conversation Participant Name
purpose varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Purpose
mediatype varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Media Type
ani varchar(400) true Conversation Segment ANI
dnis varchar(400) true Conversation Segment DNIS
sessiondnis varchar(400) true Conversation Segment Session DNIS
edgeid varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Edge GUID
gencode varchar(20) true Conversation Segment (Admin Code - Internal Use Only)
remotedisplayable varchar(255) true Conversation Segment Remote Displayable
segmentstartdate timestamp without time zone true Conversation Segment Start Date (UTC)
segmentstartdateltc timestamp without time zone true Conversation Segment Start Date (LTC)
segmentenddate timestamp without time zone true
segmentenddateltc timestamp without time zone true
segmenttime numeric(20,2) true Conversation Segment Total Time Sec(s)
convtosegmentstarttime numeric(20,2) true Conversation Segment Time From Start of Conversation to Start of Segment
convtosegmentendtime numeric(20,2) true Conversation Segment Time From Start of Conversation to End of Segment
segmenttype varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Type
conference bit(1) true Conversation Segment Conference (True/False)
disconnectiontype varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Disconnection Type
wrapupcode varchar(255) true Conversation Segment Wrapup Code GUID
wrapupnote text true
recordingexists bit(1) true Conversation Segment Recording Exists (True/False)
sessionprovider varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Session Source
flowid varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Flow GUID
flowname varchar(255) true Conversation Segment Flow Name
flowversion numeric(20,2) true Conversation Segment Flow Version
flowtype varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Flow Type
exitreason varchar(100) true Conversation Segment Exit Reason
entryreason varchar(500) true Conversation Segment Entry Reason
entrytype varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Entry Type
transfertype varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Division GUID
transfertargetname varchar(255) true Conversation Segment Transfer Target Name
queueid varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Queue GUID
userid varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Queue GUID
issuedcallback bit(1) true Conversation Segment Callback Requested ?
nflow integer true Conversation Count of Flows
tivr numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total IVR Time (Seconds)
tflow numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Flow Time (Seconds)
tflowdisconnect numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Flow Time before Disconnection
tflowexit numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Flow Time before exit
tflowout numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Flow Out Time (Seconds)
tacd numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Queing Time (Seconds)
tacw numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total ACW Time (Seconds)
talert numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Agent Alerting Time (Seconds)
tanswered numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Answer Time (Seconds)
tconnected numeric(20,2) true Total Connected
ttalk numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Talk Time (Seconds)
ttalkcomplete numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Talk Time (Seconds)
thandle numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Handle Time (Seconds)
tcontacting numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Contacting Time (Seconds)
tdialing numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Dialing Time (Seconds)
tnotresponding numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Not Responding Time (Seconds)
tabandon numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Abandon Time (Seconds)
theld numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Held Time (Seconds)
theldcomplete numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Held Time (Seconds)
tvoicemail numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Voice Mail Time (Seconds)
tmonitoring numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Monitoring Time (Seconds)
tmonitoringcomplete numeric(20,2) true
tshortabandon numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Short Abandoned Time (Seconds)
tagentresponsetime numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Agent Response Time (Seconds)
tactivecallback numeric(20,2) true
tactivecallbackcomplete numeric(20,2) true
noffered integer true Conversation Total Offered Count
nconnected integer true Conversation Total Connected Count
nconsult integer true Conversation Total Consults Count
nconsulttransferred integer true Conversation Total Consult Transferred Count
ntransferred integer true Conversation Total Transferred Count
nblindtransferred integer true Conversation Total Blind Transferred Count
nerror integer true Conversation Total Error Count
noutbound integer true Conversation Total OutBound Count
nstatetransitionerror integer true Conversation Total Trans Error Count
noversla integer true Conversation Total Count Answered Over SLA Time (Seconds)
noutboundattempted integer true Conversation Segment Division GUI
noutboundconnected integer true Conversation Segment Division GUI
sessiondirection varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Session Direction
segdestinationconversationid varchar(50) true Conversation Segment Destination Conversation GUID
tfirstdial numeric(20,2) true
tfirstconnect numeric(20,2) true
tuserresponsetime numeric(20,2) true
nflowoutcome integer true Conversation Total Flow Outcome Count
tflowoutcome numeric(20,2) true Conversation Total Flow Outcome Time (Seconds)
nflowoutcomefailed integer true Conversation Total Flow Outcome Failed Count
nbotinteractions integer true Conversation Total Bot Interaction Count
tpark numeric(20,2) true
tparkcomplete numeric(20,2) true
peer varchar(100) true Conversation Segment Peer GUID (For Voice Transcription)
divisionid varchar(100) false Conversation Segment Division GUID
divisionid2 varchar(100) true Conversation Total Outbound Attempted Count
divisionid3 varchar(100) true Date Row Updated (UTC)
updated timestamp without time zone true Conversation Segment


Name Type Definition
detailedinteractiondata_pkey PRIMARY KEY PRIMARY KEY (keyid, divisionid, conversationstartdate)


Name Definition
detailedinteractiondata_pkey CREATE UNIQUE INDEX detailedinteractiondata_pkey ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (keyid, divisionid, conversationstartdate)
DetailedintegereractionConvEndLTC CREATE INDEX “DetailedintegereractionConvEndLTC” ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (conversationenddateltc)
Detailedintegereractionconvend CREATE INDEX “Detailedintegereractionconvend” ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (conversationenddate)
detailedintereractionconv CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionconv ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (conversationid)
detailedintereractionconvstartltcuser CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionconvstartltcuser ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (conversationstartdateltc, userid)
detailedintereractionconvstartuser CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionconvstartuser ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (conversationstartdate, userid)
detailedintereractionconvuser CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionconvuser ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (userid)
detailedintereractionoriginaldir CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionoriginaldir ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (originaldirection)
detailedintereractionpurposetype CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionpurposetype ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (purpose, segmenttype)
detailedintereractionsegend CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionsegend ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (segmentenddate)
detailedintereractionsegendltc CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionsegendltc ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (segmentenddateltc)
detailedintereractionsegstart CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionsegstart ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (segmentstartdate)
detailedintereractionsegstartltc CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionsegstartltc ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (segmentstartdateltc)
detailedintereractionuserdirection CREATE INDEX detailedintereractionuserdirection ON ONLY public.detailedinteractiondata USING btree (userid, sessiondirection)

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