keyid |
varchar(255) |
false |
conversationid |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation GUID |
conversationstartdate |
timestamp without time zone |
false |
Conversation Start Date (UTC) |
conversationstartdateltc |
timestamp without time zone |
true |
Conversation Start Date (LTC) |
conversationenddate |
timestamp without time zone |
true |
Conversation End Date (UTC) |
conversationenddateltc |
timestamp without time zone |
true |
Conversation End Date (LTC) |
conversationminmos |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Min MOS |
conversationminrfactor |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Min RFactor |
externaltag |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Division GUID |
originaldirection |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Original Direction |
participantid |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Participant GUID |
participantname |
varchar(255) |
true |
Conversation Participant Name |
purpose |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Purpose |
mediatype |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Media Type |
ani |
varchar(400) |
true |
Conversation Segment ANI |
dnis |
varchar(400) |
true |
Conversation Segment DNIS |
sessiondnis |
varchar(400) |
true |
Conversation Segment Session DNIS |
edgeid |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Edge GUID |
gencode |
varchar(20) |
true |
Conversation Segment (Admin Code - Internal Use Only) |
remotedisplayable |
varchar(255) |
true |
Conversation Segment Remote Displayable |
segmentstartdate |
timestamp without time zone |
true |
Conversation Segment Start Date (UTC) |
segmentstartdateltc |
timestamp without time zone |
true |
Conversation Segment Start Date (LTC) |
segmentenddate |
timestamp without time zone |
true |
segmentenddateltc |
timestamp without time zone |
true |
segmenttime |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Segment Total Time Sec(s) |
convtosegmentstarttime |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Segment Time From Start of Conversation to Start of Segment |
convtosegmentendtime |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Segment Time From Start of Conversation to End of Segment |
segmenttype |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Type |
conference |
bit(1) |
true |
Conversation Segment Conference (True/False) |
disconnectiontype |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Disconnection Type |
wrapupcode |
varchar(255) |
true |
Conversation Segment Wrapup Code GUID |
wrapupnote |
text |
true |
recordingexists |
bit(1) |
true |
Conversation Segment Recording Exists (True/False) |
sessionprovider |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Session Source |
flowid |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Flow GUID |
flowname |
varchar(255) |
true |
Conversation Segment Flow Name |
flowversion |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Segment Flow Version |
flowtype |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Flow Type |
exitreason |
varchar(100) |
true |
Conversation Segment Exit Reason |
entryreason |
varchar(500) |
true |
Conversation Segment Entry Reason |
entrytype |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Entry Type |
transfertype |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Division GUID |
transfertargetname |
varchar(255) |
true |
Conversation Segment Transfer Target Name |
queueid |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Queue GUID |
userid |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Queue GUID |
issuedcallback |
bit(1) |
true |
Conversation Segment Callback Requested ? |
nflow |
integer |
true |
Conversation Count of Flows |
tivr |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total IVR Time (Seconds) |
tflow |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Flow Time (Seconds) |
tflowdisconnect |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Flow Time before Disconnection |
tflowexit |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Flow Time before exit |
tflowout |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Flow Out Time (Seconds) |
tacd |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Queing Time (Seconds) |
tacw |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total ACW Time (Seconds) |
talert |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Agent Alerting Time (Seconds) |
tanswered |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Answer Time (Seconds) |
tconnected |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Total Connected |
ttalk |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Talk Time (Seconds) |
ttalkcomplete |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Talk Time (Seconds) |
thandle |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Handle Time (Seconds) |
tcontacting |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Contacting Time (Seconds) |
tdialing |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Dialing Time (Seconds) |
tnotresponding |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Not Responding Time (Seconds) |
tabandon |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Abandon Time (Seconds) |
theld |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Held Time (Seconds) |
theldcomplete |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Held Time (Seconds) |
tvoicemail |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Voice Mail Time (Seconds) |
tmonitoring |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Monitoring Time (Seconds) |
tmonitoringcomplete |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
tshortabandon |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Short Abandoned Time (Seconds) |
tagentresponsetime |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Agent Response Time (Seconds) |
tactivecallback |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
tactivecallbackcomplete |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
noffered |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Offered Count |
nconnected |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Connected Count |
nconsult |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Consults Count |
nconsulttransferred |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Consult Transferred Count |
ntransferred |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Transferred Count |
nblindtransferred |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Blind Transferred Count |
nerror |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Error Count |
noutbound |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total OutBound Count |
nstatetransitionerror |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Trans Error Count |
noversla |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Count Answered Over SLA Time (Seconds) |
noutboundattempted |
integer |
true |
Conversation Segment Division GUI |
noutboundconnected |
integer |
true |
Conversation Segment Division GUI |
sessiondirection |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Session Direction |
segdestinationconversationid |
varchar(50) |
true |
Conversation Segment Destination Conversation GUID |
tfirstdial |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
tfirstconnect |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
tuserresponsetime |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
nflowoutcome |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Flow Outcome Count |
tflowoutcome |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
Conversation Total Flow Outcome Time (Seconds) |
nflowoutcomefailed |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Flow Outcome Failed Count |
nbotinteractions |
integer |
true |
Conversation Total Bot Interaction Count |
tpark |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
tparkcomplete |
numeric(20,2) |
true |
peer |
varchar(100) |
true |
Conversation Segment Peer GUID (For Voice Transcription) |
divisionid |
varchar(100) |
false |
Conversation Segment Division GUID |
divisionid2 |
varchar(100) |
true |
Conversation Total Outbound Attempted Count |
divisionid3 |
varchar(100) |
true |
Date Row Updated (UTC) |
updated |
timestamp without time zone |
true |
Conversation Segment |