


Evaluation Lookup Data


Name Type Default Nullable Children Parents Comment
id varchar(200) false Primary Key
evaluationid varchar(50) true Evaluation GUID
evaluationformid varchar(50) true Evaluation Form GUID
evaluationname varchar(200) true Evaluation Name
questiongroupid varchar(50) true Question Group GUID
questiongroupname varchar(200) true Question Group Name
questiongrouptohighest bit(1) true Question Group To Highest (True/False)
questiongrouptona bit(1) true Question Group Not Applicable (True/False)
questiongroupwieght numeric(20,2) true Question Group Wieght
questiongroupmanwieght bit(1) true Question Group Man Weight
questionid varchar(50) true Question Answer Value
questiontext varchar(400) true Question Text
questionhelptext text true Question Help Text
quesiontype varchar(50) true Question Type
questionnaenabled bit(1) true Question Enabled (True/False)
questioncommentsreq bit(1) true Question Comments Required (True/False
questioniskill bit(1) true Question Is a Kill Question (True/False)
questioniscritical bit(1) true
questionanwserid varchar(50) true Question Answer GUID
questionanswertext varchar(200) true Question Answer Text
questionanswervalue numeric(20,2) true Question Value
updated timestamp without time zone true Date Row Updated (UTC)


Name Type Definition
evaldetails_pkey PRIMARY KEY PRIMARY KEY (id)


Name Definition
evaldetails_pkey CREATE UNIQUE INDEX evaldetails_pkey ON public.evaldetails USING btree (id)
evaldetailsformsid CREATE INDEX evaldetailsformsid ON public.evaldetails USING btree (evaluationformid)

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