



Name Type Default Nullable Children Parents Comment
keyid varchar(100) false
conversationid varchar(50) true
conversationstartdate timestamp without time zone false
conversationstartdateltc timestamp without time zone true
conversationenddate timestamp without time zone true
conversationenddateltc timestamp without time zone true
participantid varchar(50) true
purpose varchar(50) false
mediatype varchar(50) true
userid varchar(50) true
queueid varchar(50) true
wrapupcode varchar(50) true
wrapupnote text true
nflow integer true
tivr numeric(20,2) true
tflow numeric(20,2) true
tflowdisconnect numeric(20,2) true
tflowexit numeric(20,2) true
tflowout numeric(20,2) true
tacd numeric(20,2) true
tacw numeric(20,2) true
talert numeric(20,2) true
tanswered numeric(20,2) true
ttalk numeric(20,2) true
ttalkcomplete numeric(20,2) true
thandle numeric(20,2) true
tconnected numeric(20,2) true
tfirstconnect numeric(20,2) true
tcontacting numeric(20,2) true
tdialing numeric(20,2) true
tfirstdial numeric(20,2) true
tnotresponding numeric(20,2) true
tabandon numeric(20,2) true
theld numeric(20,2) true
theldcomplete numeric(20,2) true
tvoicemail numeric(20,2) true
tmonitoring numeric(20,2) true
tmonitoringcomplete numeric(20,2) true
tshortabandon numeric(20,2) true
tagentresponsetime numeric(20,2) true
tuserresponsetime numeric(20,2) true
tactivecallback numeric(20,2) true
tactivecallbackcomplete numeric(20,2) true
noffered integer true
nconnected integer true
nconsult integer true
nconsulttransferred integer true
ntransferred integer true
nblindtransferred integer true
nerror integer true
noutbound integer true
nstatetransitionerror integer true
noversla integer true
noutboundattempted integer true
noutboundconnected integer true
nflowoutcome integer true
tflowoutcome numeric(20,2) true
nflowoutcomefailed integer true
nbotinteractions integer true
tpark numeric(20,2) true
tparkcomplete numeric(20,2) true
divisionid varchar(100) true
divisionid2 varchar(100) true
divisionid3 varchar(100) true
updated timestamp without time zone true


Name Type Definition
partsumm_acd_pkey PRIMARY KEY PRIMARY KEY (keyid, purpose)


Name Definition
partsumm_acd_pkey CREATE UNIQUE INDEX partsumm_acd_pkey ON public.partsumm_acd USING btree (keyid, purpose)
partsumm_acd_conversationid_idx CREATE INDEX partsumm_acd_conversationid_idx ON public.partsumm_acd USING btree (conversationid)

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