


Table storing suboverview data


Name Type Default Nullable Children Parents Comment
keyid varchar(400) false Primary key identifier
rowdate timestamp without time zone true Date of the row
startdate timestamp without time zone true Start date of the period
enddate timestamp without time zone true End date of the period
licname varchar(200) true License name
partnumber varchar(50) true Part number
grouping varchar(50) true Grouping of the data
unitofmeasuretype varchar(50) true Type of unit of measure
usagequantity numeric(20,2) true Quantity of usage
prepayquantity numeric(20,2) true Quantity of prepay
overageprice numeric(20,2) true Price for overage
iscancellable bit(1) true Flag indicating if the item is cancellable
bundlequantity integer true Quantity in bundle
isthirdparty bit(1) true Flag indicating if it is a third-party item
updated timestamp without time zone true Timestamp of last update


Name Type Definition
suboverviewdata_pkey PRIMARY KEY PRIMARY KEY (keyid)


Name Definition
suboverviewdata_pkey CREATE UNIQUE INDEX suboverviewdata_pkey ON public.suboverviewdata USING btree (keyid)

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