


User Interaction Data Interval Data - Interval is from (15-60) Min(s)


Name Type Default Nullable Children Parents Comment
keyid varchar(255) false Primary Key
userid varchar(50) true Agent GUID
direction varchar(50) true Conversation Direction
queueid varchar(50) true Queue GUID
mediatype varchar(50) true Conversation Media Type
wrapupcode varchar(255) true Conversation Wrap Up GUID
startdate timestamp without time zone false Interval Start Date (UTC)
startdateltc timestamp without time zone false Interval Start Date (UTC)
talertcount integer true Total Alert Count
talerttimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Alert Time (Seconds)
talerttimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Alert Time (Seconds)
talerttimemin numeric(20,2) true Min ACW Time (Seconds)
tansweredcount integer true Total Answered Count
tansweredtimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Answered Time (Seconds)
tansweredtimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Answered Time (Seconds)
tansweredtimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Answered Time (Seconds)
ttalkcount integer true Total Talk Count
ttalktimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Talk Time (Seconds)
ttalktimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Talk Time (Seconds)
ttalktimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Talk Time (Seconds)
ttalkcompletecount integer true Total Talk Count For Completed Conversations
ttalkcompletetimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Talk Time For Completed Conversations
ttalkcompletetimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Talk Time For Completed Conversations
ttalkcompletetimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Talk Time For Completed Conversations
tnotrespondingcount integer true Total Not Responding Count
tnotrespondingtimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Not Responding Time (Seconds)
tnotrespondingtimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Not Responding Time (Seconds)
tnotrespondingtimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Not Responding Time (Seconds)
theldcount integer true Total Hold Count
theldtimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Hold Time (Seconds)
theldtimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Hold Time (Seconds)
theldtimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Hold Time (Seconds)
theldcompletecount integer true Total Hold Count for Completed Conversations
theldcompletetimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Hold Time for Completed Conversations
theldcompletetimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Hold Time for Completed Conversations
theldcompletetimemin numeric(20,2) true in Hold Time for Completed Conversations
thandlecount integer true Total Handle Count
thandletimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Handle Time (Seconds)
thandletimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Handle Time (Seconds)
thandletimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Handle Time (Seconds)
tacwcount integer true Total ACW Count
tacwtimesum numeric(20,2) true Total ACW Time (Seconds)
tacwtimemax numeric(20,2) true Max ACW Time (Seconds)
tacwtimemin numeric(20,2) true Min ACW Time (Seconds)
nconsult integer true Total Consult Count
nconsulttransferred integer true Total Consult Transfer Count
noutbound integer true Total OutBound Conversations
nerror integer true Total Error Count
ntransferred integer true Total Transfer Count
nblindtransferred integer true Total Blind Transfer Count
nconnected integer true Total Conversations Connected Count
tdialingcount integer true Total Dialing Count
tdialingtimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Dialing Time (Seconds)
tdialingtimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Dialing Time (Seconds)
tdialingtimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Dialing Time (Seconds)
tcontactingcount integer true Total Contacting Count
tcontactingtimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Contacting Time (Seconds)
tcontactingtimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Contacting Time (Seconds)
tcontactingtimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Contacting Time (Seconds)
tvoicemailcount integer true Total Voicemail Count
tvoicemailtimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Voicemail Time (Seconds)
tvoicemailtimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Voicemail Time (Seconds)
tvoicemailtimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Voicemail Time (Seconds)
tuserresponsetimecount integer true Total User Response Count
tuserresponsetimetimesum numeric(20,2) true Total User Response Time (Seconds)
tuserresponsetimetimemax numeric(20,2) true Max User Response Time (Seconds)
tuserresponsetimetimemin numeric(20,2) true Min User Response Time (Seconds)
tagentresponsetimecount integer true Total Agent Response Count
tagentresponsetimetimesum numeric(20,2) true Total Agent Response Time (Seconds)
tagentresponsetimetimemax numeric(20,2) true Max Agent Response Time (Seconds)
tagentresponsetimetimemin numeric(20,2) true Min Agent Response Time (Seconds)
av1count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av1timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av1timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av1timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av2count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av2timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av2timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av2timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av3count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av3timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av3timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av3timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av4count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av4timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av4timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av4timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av5count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av5timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av5timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av5timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av6count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av6timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av6timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av6timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av7count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av7timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av7timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av7timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av8count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av8timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av8timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av8timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av9count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av9timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av9timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av9timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av10count integer true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av10timesum numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av10timemax numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
av10timemin numeric(20,2) true Custom Configurable Field - Please Talk to UCA About the use of Aggregation Queries in the adapter
updated timestamp without time zone true Date Row Updated (UTC)


Name Type Definition
userinteractiondata_pkey PRIMARY KEY PRIMARY KEY (keyid, startdate)


Name Definition
userinteractiondata_pkey CREATE UNIQUE INDEX userinteractiondata_pkey ON ONLY public.userinteractiondata USING btree (keyid, startdate)
UserInteractionDataDate CREATE INDEX “UserInteractionDataDate” ON ONLY public.userinteractiondata USING btree (userid, startdate)
UserInteractionDataDateLTC CREATE INDEX “UserInteractionDataDateLTC” ON ONLY public.userinteractiondata USING btree (userid varchar_ops, startdateltc)
UserInteractionDataMedia CREATE INDEX “UserInteractionDataMedia” ON ONLY public.userinteractiondata USING btree (mediatype)
UserInteractionDataQueue CREATE INDEX “UserInteractionDataQueue” ON ONLY public.userinteractiondata USING btree (queueid)
UserInteractionDataUser CREATE INDEX “UserInteractionDataUser” ON ONLY public.userinteractiondata USING btree (userid)
userinteractiondatawrapup CREATE INDEX userinteractiondatawrapup ON ONLY public.userinteractiondata USING btree (wrapupcode)

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