Some customers may have excessive numbers of Genesys Cloud queues defined due to the nature of their business and or various legacy reasons. Managing hundreds of queues can present challenges in finding, sorting and filtering queue related data in such an environment. A previous workaround provided within CXiaaS was the ability for a customer to maintain an independent Queue Group Table in the form of a spreadsheet or CSV file that can be provided at regular intervals to Customer Science Group for upload to CXiaaS DB. Once loaded, CXiaaS provides additional queue filtering options to enable enhanced management of the data.
Now, to reduce manual handling of data, and to facilitate more timely and accurate updates of queue groups, we have released a more manageable solutiuon that places the customer 100% in control of the Queue Groupings. By simply adding the necessary queue group information into the "Description" field on the Genesys Cloud queue admin page within Genesys Cloud, and adhering strictly to the below described syntax, CXiaaS will now automatically synchronise any changes made in the description, provided that the change remains within the REQUIRED SYNTAX. Queue groups will continue to be available within CXiaaS for filtering as before.
Queue Grouping Metrics
Queue Group
Group Type
The description of a queue group must contain all of the above metrics. These metrics are to entered into the description field of a queue group in Genesys Cloud. Each metric should be delimited (separated) by a semicolon ' ; ' symbol.
An example of the required format is shown below:
Note the names of the metrics (text on the left of the equals sign) are entered all as lower case and must match the syntax exactly as shown above.