
Genesys Adapter Data Dictionary


Name Columns Comment Type
public.tabledefinitions 5 Subscription Detailed Data BASE TABLE
public.activeqmembersdata 9 Historical Active Membership of Queues BASE TABLE
public.activitycodedetails 11 Activity Code Lookup Data BASE TABLE
public.adherenceactdata 9 Adherence Actual Activity Data BASE TABLE
public.adherencedaydata 17 Adherence Summarised Daily Data BASE TABLE
public.adherenceexcdata 15 Adherence Detailed Exception Data BASE TABLE
public.budetails 3 BASE TABLE
public.chatdata 16 Chat Data BASE TABLE
public.convsummarydata 39 Conversation Summary Data BASE TABLE
public.convvoiceoverviewdata 17 Voice Analysis Overview Data BASE TABLE
public.convvoicesentimentdetaildata 16 BASE TABLE
public.convvoicetopicdetaildata 18 BASE TABLE
public.csg_artefacts 2 BASE TABLE
public.detailedinteractiondata 101 Conversation Detailed Data BASE TABLE
public.dimension_date 29 BASE TABLE
public.divisiondetails 4 BASE TABLE
public.evaldata 20 BASE TABLE
public.evaldetails 22 Evaluation Lookup Data BASE TABLE
public.evalquestiondata 11 BASE TABLE
public.evalquestiongroupdata 16 Evaluation Question Group Detailed Data BASE TABLE
public.flowoutcomedata 18 Conversation Flow Outcome Data BASE TABLE
public.flowoutcomedetails 13 Flow Outcome Details BASE TABLE
public.groupdetails 8 Agent Group Lookup Data BASE TABLE
public.headcountforecastdata 10 BASE TABLE
public.hoursblockdata 9 BASE TABLE
public.jobminimumdefinition 4 BASE TABLE
public.knowledgebase 11 BASE TABLE
public.knowledgebasecategorydata 11 BASE TABLE
public.knowledgebasedocument 15 BASE TABLE
public.knowledgebasedocumentversion 6 BASE TABLE
public.learningassignmentresults 12 BASE TABLE
public.learningmoduleassignments 18 BASE TABLE
public.learningmodules 15 BASE TABLE
public.location_areacode_mapping 9 BASE TABLE
public.mudetails 10 BASE TABLE
public.mumemberdata 4 BASE TABLE
public.mvwconvvoiceoverviewdata 39 BASE TABLE
public.mvwconvvoicesentimentdetaildata 38 BASE TABLE
public.mvwconvvoicetopicdetaildata 40 BASE TABLE
public.mvwevaluationgroupdata 17 BASE TABLE
public.oauthusagedata 12 Oauth Usage by Client ID per Day BASE TABLE
public.odcampaigndetails 30 Outbound Dialling Campaign Lookup Data BASE TABLE
public.odcontactlistdata 4 Outbound Dialling Contact List Data - Any new attribs are added automatically by the adapter. BASE TABLE
public.odcontactlistdetails 9 BASE TABLE
public.offeredforecastdata 13 BASE TABLE
public.participantattributesdynamic 7 BASE TABLE
public.participantsummarydata 65 BASE TABLE
public.partsumm_acd 65 BASE TABLE
public.partsumm_agent 65 BASE TABLE
public.partsumm_customer 65 BASE TABLE
public.planninggroupdetails 11 BASE TABLE
public.presencedetails 7 Persence Code Lookup Data BASE TABLE
public.queueauditdata 9 Audit Table for Queue Membership changes BASE TABLE
public.queuedetails 17 Queue Lookup data BASE TABLE
public.queueinteractiondata 123 Queue Interaction Data Interval Data - Interval is from (15-60) Min(s) BASE TABLE
public.queueinteractiondatadaily 123 BASE TABLE
public.queueinteractiondatamonthly 123 BASE TABLE
public.queueinteractiondataweekly 123 BASE TABLE
public.queuerealtimeconvdata 32 BASE TABLE
public.queuerealtimedata 7 BASE TABLE
public.scheduledata 16 BASE TABLE
public.scheduledetails 12 Schedule Details Lookup Data BASE TABLE
public.servicegoaldetails 8 BASE TABLE
public.shrinkagedata 15 BASE TABLE
public.skilldetails 4 BASE TABLE
public.suboverviewdata 15 Table storing suboverview data BASE TABLE
public.subscriptiondata 6 BASE TABLE
public.subuserusagedata 7 Subscription Detailed Data BASE TABLE
public.surveydata 13 BASE TABLE
public.surveyquestionanswers 18 BASE TABLE
public.surveyquestiongroupscores 13 BASE TABLE
public.teamdetails 7 BASE TABLE
public.teammemberdata 4 Work Team Membership Data BASE TABLE
public.timeoffdata 10 BASE TABLE
public.timeoffrequestdata 16 WFM Time off requests entered by the Agents / or by proxys on their behalf BASE TABLE
public.userdetails 13 BASE TABLE
public.usergroupmappings 5 BASE TABLE
public.userinteractiondata 112 User Interaction Data Interval Data - Interval is from (15-60) Min(s) BASE TABLE
public.userinteractiondatadaily 111 User Interaction Data Daily Data - LTC - See UserInteractionData for Field Descriptions BASE TABLE
public.userinteractiondatamonthly 111 User Interaction Data Monthly Data - LTC - See UserInteractionData for Field Descriptions BASE TABLE
public.userinteractiondataweekly 111 User Interaction Data Weekly Data - LTC - See UserInteractionData for Field Descriptions BASE TABLE
public.userinteractionpresencedetaileddata 13 BASE TABLE
public.userpresencedata 12 BASE TABLE
public.userpresencedatadaily 11 User Presence Data Daily Data - LTC - See UserPresenceData for Descriptions BASE TABLE
public.userpresencedatamonthly 11 User Presence Data Monthly Data - LTC - See UserPresenceData for Descriptions BASE TABLE
public.userpresencedataweekly 11 User Presence Data Weekly Data - LTC - See UserPresenceData for Descriptions BASE TABLE
public.userpresencedetaileddata 11 User Presence Detailed Data BASE TABLE
public.userqueuemappings 7 BASE TABLE
public.userrealtimeconvdata 32 User Real Time Conversation Data BASE TABLE
public.userrealtimedata 34 BASE TABLE
public.userskillmappings 6 BASE TABLE
public.viewdefinitions 3 BASE TABLE
public.wfmauditdata 8 Audit Table for WFM Schedule Change Data BASE TABLE
public.wrapupdetails 3 Wrap Up Code Details Lookup Up Data BASE TABLE
public.vwuserdetail 17 See UserDetail: User Description in detail VIEW
public.vwconvsummarydata 66 See ConvSummaryData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwdetailedinteractiondata 111 See DetailedInteractionData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwqueuedetails 24 See QueueDetails: Queue Lookup data VIEW
public.vwrealtimeuserconv 13 Real-time user conversation data VIEW
public.mvwevaluationoverview 34 Materialized view for evaluation overview data MATERIALIZED VIEW
public.mvwevaluationquestiondata 19 Materialized view for evaluation question data MATERIALIZED VIEW
public.vwrealtimeuser 28 Real-time user data VIEW
public.vwactivitycodedetails 11 See activitycodes table VIEW
public.vwcallabandonedsummary 20 Shows the details for abandoned calls in the detailed interaction data – Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwcalldetail 18 See DetailedInteractionData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwcallnotrespondingdetails 25 Shows the details of agents missing calls (Not Responding) from the DetailedInteractionData table - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwcallsummary 19 See Callummary : View for call summary data with aggregated metrics VIEW
public.vwevaldata 24 See Evaluation Data VIEW
public.vwevaldetails 21 See EvalDetails- Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwevalquestiongroupdata 16 Evaluation Question Group Detailed Data VIEW
public.vwgroupdetails 7 VIEW
public.vwpresencedetails 6 See PresenceDetails: Presence Code Lookup Data VIEW
public.vwqueueconvrealtime 29 See QueueConvRealTime: Queue Conversation Real-Time Data VIEW
public.vwqueueinteractiondata 210 Queue Interaction Data Interval Data - Interval is from (15-60) Min(s) VIEW
public.vwqueueinteractiondatadaily 204 Queue Interaction Data Daily Data VIEW
public.vwrealtimequeueconv 26 Real-time queue conversation data VIEW
public.vwscheduledata 18 See ScheduleData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwsurveydata 17 Survey Data View VIEW
public.vwsurveyquestionanswers 24 Survey Question Answers View VIEW
public.vwsurveyquestiongroupscores 19 Survey Question Group Scores View VIEW
public.vwuserinteractiondata 109 See UserInteractionData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwuserinteractionpresencedetaileddata 17 See UserInteractionPresenceDetailedData: User Interaction Presence Detailed Data View VIEW
public.vwuserpresencedata 19 See UserPresenceData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwuserpresencedetaileddata 16 See UserPresenceDetailedData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups(Detailed) VIEW
public.vwwrapupdetails 3 WrapUpDetails VIEW
public.vwadherenceactdata 11 See AdherenceActData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwadherencedaydata 26 Adherence Summarised Daily Data VIEW
public.vwadherenceexcdata 19 See AdherenceExcData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwbudetails 3 See budetails table VIEW
public.vwchatdata 16 See Chat Data - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwevalquestiondata 18 See EvalQuestionData: View for evaluation question data with additional details VIEW
public.vwheadcountforecast 15 See HeadCountForecast - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwmudetails 10 See MuDetails VIEW
public.vwmumemberdata 5 MU Member Data VIEW
public.vwoauthusagedata 11 See OauthUsageData: Oauth Usage by Client ID per Day VIEW
public.vwofferedforecast 16 VIEW
public.vwqueueauditdata 14 Audit Table for Queue Membership changes VIEW
public.vwqueuerealtimedata 10 VIEW
public.vwrealtimequeue 12 Real-time queue data VIEW
public.vwrealtimeuser_groups 32 VIEW
public.vwskillmemberdata 5 Contains data on skill mappings for users VIEW
public.vwsubuserusagedata 11 View containing usage data for sub-users, including HTTP status code counts VIEW
public.vwteammemberdata 3 Team Member Data View VIEW
public.vwtimeoffdata 11 See TimeOffData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwtimeoffrequestdata 16 See TimeOffRequestData - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups VIEW
public.vwusergroupmappings 6 VIEW
public.vwuserpresencedatadaily 19 See UserPresenceDataDaily - Expands all the GUIDs with their lookups(Daily) VIEW
public.vwuserqueuemappings 7 UserQueueMappings: View for mappings in between User and Queue VIEW
public.vwuserskillmappings 14 View combining user-skill mappings with detailed user information (including manager, division, and division name) and corresponding skill details VIEW
public.z_wfmscheduledata 17 See WFMScheduleData: Data combining schedule and time off information VIEW
public.z_vwcallabandonedsummary 18 See CallAbandonedSummary: Summary of abandoned calls with relevant details VIEW

Stored procedures and functions

Name ReturnType Arguments Type
cron.schedule int8 schedule text, command text FUNCTION
cron.unschedule bool job_id bigint FUNCTION
cron.job_cache_invalidate trigger FUNCTION
cron.schedule int8 job_name text, schedule text, command text FUNCTION
cron.alter_job void job_id bigint, schedule text DEFAULT NULL::text, command text DEFAULT NULL::text, database text DEFAULT NULL::text, username text DEFAULT NULL::text, active boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean FUNCTION
cron.schedule_in_database int8 job_name text, schedule text, command text, database text, username text DEFAULT NULL::text, active boolean DEFAULT true FUNCTION
cron.unschedule bool job_name text FUNCTION
partman.check_automatic_maintenance_value bool p_automatic_maintenance text FUNCTION
partman.check_epoch_type bool p_type text FUNCTION
partman.check_partition_type bool p_type text FUNCTION
partman.apply_cluster void p_parent_schema text, p_parent_tablename text, p_child_schema text, p_child_tablename text FUNCTION
partman.apply_constraints void p_parent_table text, p_child_table text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT false, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint FUNCTION
partman.apply_foreign_keys void p_parent_table text, p_child_table text, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint, p_debug boolean DEFAULT false FUNCTION
partman.apply_privileges void p_parent_schema text, p_parent_tablename text, p_child_schema text, p_child_tablename text, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint FUNCTION
partman.apply_publications void p_parent_table text, p_child_schema text, p_child_tablename text FUNCTION
partman.autovacuum_off bool p_parent_schema text, p_parent_tablename text, p_source_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_source_tablename text DEFAULT NULL::text FUNCTION
partman.autovacuum_reset bool p_parent_schema text, p_parent_tablename text, p_source_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_source_tablename text DEFAULT NULL::text FUNCTION
partman.check_control_type record p_parent_schema text, p_parent_tablename text, p_control text FUNCTION
partman.check_default check_default_table p_exact_count boolean DEFAULT true FUNCTION
partman.check_name_length text p_object_name text, p_suffix text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_table_partition boolean DEFAULT false FUNCTION
partman.check_subpart_sameconfig record p_parent_table text FUNCTION
partman.check_subpartition_limits record p_parent_table text, p_type text, OUT sub_min text, OUT sub_max text FUNCTION
partman.create_function_id void p_parent_table text, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint FUNCTION
partman.create_function_time void p_parent_table text, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint FUNCTION
partman.create_parent bool p_parent_table text, p_control text, p_type text, p_interval text, p_constraint_cols text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], p_premake integer DEFAULT 4, p_automatic_maintenance text DEFAULT ‘on’::text, p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_inherit_fk boolean DEFAULT true, p_epoch text DEFAULT ‘none’::text, p_upsert text DEFAULT ’’::text, p_publications text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], p_trigger_return_null boolean DEFAULT true, p_template_table text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true, p_date_trunc_interval text DEFAULT NULL::text FUNCTION
partman.create_partition_id bool p_parent_table text, p_partition_ids bigint[], p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL::text FUNCTION
partman.create_partition_time bool p_parent_table text, p_partition_times timestamp with time zone[], p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL::text FUNCTION
partman.create_sub_parent bool p_top_parent text, p_control text, p_type text, p_interval text, p_native_check text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_constraint_cols text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], p_premake integer DEFAULT 4, p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_inherit_fk boolean DEFAULT true, p_epoch text DEFAULT ‘none’::text, p_upsert text DEFAULT ’’::text, p_trigger_return_null boolean DEFAULT true, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true, p_date_trunc_interval text DEFAULT NULL::text FUNCTION
partman.create_trigger void p_parent_table text FUNCTION
partman.drop_constraints void p_parent_table text, p_child_table text, p_debug boolean DEFAULT false FUNCTION
partman.drop_partition_column void p_parent_table text, p_column text FUNCTION
partman.drop_partition_id int4 p_parent_table text, p_retention bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, p_keep_index boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, p_retention_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text FUNCTION
partman.drop_partition_time int4 p_parent_table text, p_retention interval DEFAULT NULL::interval, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, p_keep_index boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, p_retention_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_reference_timestamp timestamp with time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FUNCTION
partman.dump_partitioned_table_definition text p_parent_table text, p_ignore_template_table boolean DEFAULT false FUNCTION
partman.inherit_template_properties bool p_parent_table text, p_child_schema text, p_child_tablename text FUNCTION
partman.partition_data_id int8 p_parent_table text, p_batch_count integer DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0, p_order text DEFAULT ‘ASC’::text, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_source_table text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[] FUNCTION
partman.partition_data_time int8 p_parent_table text, p_batch_count integer DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval interval DEFAULT NULL::interval, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0, p_order text DEFAULT ‘ASC’::text, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_source_table text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[] FUNCTION
partman.partition_gap_fill int4 p_parent_table text FUNCTION
partman.reapply_privileges void p_parent_table text FUNCTION
partman.run_maintenance void p_parent_table text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true FUNCTION
partman.show_partition_info record p_child_table text, p_partition_interval text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_parent_table text DEFAULT NULL::text, OUT child_start_time timestamp with time zone, OUT child_end_time timestamp with time zone, OUT child_start_id bigint, OUT child_end_id bigint, OUT suffix text FUNCTION
partman.show_partition_name record p_parent_table text, p_value text, OUT partition_schema text, OUT partition_table text, OUT suffix_timestamp timestamp with time zone, OUT suffix_id bigint, OUT table_exists boolean FUNCTION
partman.show_partitions record p_parent_table text, p_order text DEFAULT ‘ASC’::text, p_include_default boolean DEFAULT false FUNCTION
partman.stop_sub_partition bool p_parent_table text, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true FUNCTION
partman.undo_partition record p_parent_table text, p_batch_count integer DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT true, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0, p_target_table text DEFAULT NULL::text, p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], p_drop_cascade boolean DEFAULT false, OUT partitions_undone integer, OUT rows_undone bigint FUNCTION
partman.partition_data_proc void IN p_parent_table text, IN p_interval text DEFAULT NULL::text, IN p_batch integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, IN p_wait integer DEFAULT 1, IN p_source_table text DEFAULT NULL::text, IN p_order text DEFAULT ‘ASC’::text, IN p_lock_wait integer DEFAULT 0, IN p_lock_wait_tries integer DEFAULT 10, IN p_quiet boolean DEFAULT false, IN p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[] PROCEDURE
partman.reapply_constraints_proc void IN p_parent_table text, IN p_drop_constraints boolean DEFAULT false, IN p_apply_constraints boolean DEFAULT false, IN p_wait integer DEFAULT 0, IN p_dryrun boolean DEFAULT false PROCEDURE
partman.run_analyze void IN p_skip_locked boolean DEFAULT false, IN p_quiet boolean DEFAULT false, IN p_parent_table text DEFAULT NULL::text PROCEDURE
partman.run_maintenance_proc void IN p_wait integer DEFAULT 0, IN p_analyze boolean DEFAULT NULL::boolean, IN p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true PROCEDURE
partman.undo_partition_proc void IN p_parent_table text, IN p_interval text DEFAULT NULL::text, IN p_batch integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, IN p_wait integer DEFAULT 1, IN p_target_table text DEFAULT NULL::text, IN p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT true, IN p_lock_wait integer DEFAULT 0, IN p_lock_wait_tries integer DEFAULT 10, IN p_quiet boolean DEFAULT false, IN p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL::text[], IN p_drop_cascade boolean DEFAULT false PROCEDURE
public.pg_stat_statements_reset void userid oid DEFAULT 0, dbid oid DEFAULT 0, queryid bigint DEFAULT 0 FUNCTION
public.pg_stat_statements_info record OUT dealloc bigint, OUT stats_reset timestamp with time zone FUNCTION
public.pg_stat_statements record showtext boolean, OUT userid oid, OUT dbid oid, OUT toplevel boolean, OUT queryid bigint, OUT query text, OUT plans bigint, OUT total_plan_time double precision, OUT min_plan_time double precision, OUT max_plan_time double precision, OUT mean_plan_time double precision, OUT stddev_plan_time double precision, OUT calls bigint, OUT total_exec_time double precision, OUT min_exec_time double precision, OUT max_exec_time double precision, OUT mean_exec_time double precision, OUT stddev_exec_time double precision, OUT rows bigint, OUT shared_blks_hit bigint, OUT shared_blks_read bigint, OUT shared_blks_dirtied bigint, OUT shared_blks_written bigint, OUT local_blks_hit bigint, OUT local_blks_read bigint, OUT local_blks_dirtied bigint, OUT local_blks_written bigint, OUT temp_blks_read bigint, OUT temp_blks_written bigint, OUT blk_read_time double precision, OUT blk_write_time double precision, OUT temp_blk_read_time double precision, OUT temp_blk_write_time double precision, OUT wal_records bigint, OUT wal_fpi bigint, OUT wal_bytes numeric, OUT jit_functions bigint, OUT jit_generation_time double precision, OUT jit_inlining_count bigint, OUT jit_inlining_time double precision, OUT jit_optimization_count bigint, OUT jit_optimization_time double precision, OUT jit_emission_count bigint, OUT jit_emission_time double precision FUNCTION
public.csg_table_exists int4 tablename character varying FUNCTION
public.csg_view_definition_contains_string int4 view_name character varying, expected_definition character varying FUNCTION
public.csg_column_exists bool tablename character varying, columnname character varying FUNCTION
public.get_preferred_schema text FUNCTION
public.archivebacklog void PROCEDURE
public.archivequeueinteraction void IN aggoffset integer, IN aggtype character PROCEDURE
public.archiveuserinteraction void IN aggoffset integer, IN aggtype character PROCEDURE
public.archiveuserpresence void IN aggoffset integer, IN aggtype character PROCEDURE
public.datediff int4 units character varying, start_t timestamp without time zone, end_t timestamp without time zone FUNCTION
public.full_historical_archivebacklog void PROCEDURE
public.getutcdate timestamp FUNCTION
public.now_utc timestamp FUNCTION
public.sec_to_time varchar seconds integer FUNCTION
public.timezonecalcs record tzset text FUNCTION
public.tzadjust record IN tzset text, INOUT tzdiff integer PROCEDURE
public.update_mvwevaluationgroupdata void IN from_date date DEFAULT (now() - ‘2 days’::interval) PROCEDURE
public.update_mvwconvvoiceoverviewdata void PROCEDURE
public.update_mvwconvvoicesentimentdetaildata void PROCEDURE
public.update_mvwconvvoicetopicdetaildata void PROCEDURE
partman.create_partman_monthly int4 p_table text, p_column text FUNCTION

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